Download special Apk files which are frequently used for FRP bypassing on Android devices. Here, we have provided just the popular ones, you are free to request for your device if the ones here are of no use.
For frp bypassing where frp bypass 1.0 apk is required, you will always have to install the Google account manager app for your device version.
Note that not all phones support frp bypassing using the apk method where you have to log in with an account with the frp bypass 1.0 apk or use the quickshortcutmaker app to launch the setup wizard, or activate unsecured ADB as it is the case with the Sony Xperia Xa Dual.
With the menu button Apk, you can use it to toggle on the three dots in frp bypass Apk for devices where it does not appear in order to sign in using the web browser.
That said, check from the list below the Apps that are suited for bypassing frp on your Android V5.0+ devices.
What is FRP?
Before you head on with your download, we thought you might want to know what FRP is all about.
Factory Reset Protection (FRP) is a security method that was designed to protect Android device users. The security was implemented in such a way that when even your device got stolen and is reset to factory settings, the person will be requested to enter your account details in order to use the device. Starting with Android Lollipop, FRP is "standard" in vanilla Android, and most companies making our phones have implemented it in their own models.
Although a good security measure, Android users themselves turn to forget their passcode or pattern, including their Google account credentials. In such a scenario, after a hard reset, the only way to gain access to the device is performing an FRP bypass, and which is where the following FRP bypass Apps come in play.
Download FRP bypass Apps
Google account manager Apk:
Download the Google account manager for your Android device version below in order to bypass frp on your frp protected smartphones.
FRP bypass 1.0 Apk:
Download FRP bypass 1.0 apk. This app will only work when you must have installed the Google account manager Apk.
Test PDC:
When your device is FRP protected, the Test PDC App can be used to create an Admin account with which u can use to bypass FRP.
Menu button Apk:
The Menu button App plays a role on devices where the FRP bypass apk does not show the three dots at the top-right corner where you select the option to login using your web browser when bypassing frp.